Comprehensive Study of Haemostasis in Nephrotic Syndrome

A comprehensive study of hemostasis was performed in a homogeneous group of 20 patients with nephrotic syndrome without renal failure. There was an unchanged number of platelets and a significant increase of platelet adhesiveness and aggregation; increased levels of activity and related antigen of fibrinogen, of factor VIII [antihemophilic factor], of activity of factors II [prothrombin], VII [proconvertin] and X [Stuart factor] and of antigens of factors XIII [fibrin stabilizing factor]. Antithrombin III was unchanged in plasma and was detected in the urine. Euglobulin lysis times were decreased, and levels of plasminogen and its activators were increased after a venous occlusion test. At the same time urokinase inhibitors and antiplasmins were increased not only after, but also before a venous occlusion test. Fibrinogen degradation products were found in the urine from all patients, but not in their sera.