The absence of pulsation in the radial, brachial and carotid arteries of both sides is a rare condition. A patient showing such abnormality was under observation in the wards of the University Hospital. In a study of the literature only three reports of instances in which this striking abnormality occurred were found. We are collecting and reviewing these, adding our report of a case as a fourth. INCIDENCE Because of the frequency of aortic aneurysm, large groups of statistics are available dealing with signs and symptoms in the presence of this lesion. Boyd1 in 1924 studied collected reports on 4,000 cases of thoracic aortic aneurysm, stating that over 5,000 cases had been reported in the literature. Since we are dealing with a not uncommon lesion, the finding of only three reports of cases of bilateral absence of pulse indicates the extreme rarity of this remarkable abnormality. Pulse abnormalities, such as