Nucleus Multichannel Cochlear Implantation in Partially Ossified Cochleas Using the Steenerson Procedure

The purpose of this study was to report hearing results obtained in a group of subjects who received scala vestibuli implantation because of cochlear ossification and to compare these results to those in patients with scala tympani implantation. Retrospective analysis of consecutive cochlear implant procedures. Department of Otolaryngology, University of Parma. Five postlingually deafened adults with an electrode array placed into the scala vestibuli were compared with the speech performance of matched controls who had the electrode array inserted into the scala tympani. Measures included vowel and consonant speech identification scores, bisyllabic word and sentence speech recognition scores, and common phrases comprehension scores. No significant difference was detected on speech performances between the subjects with scala vestibuli implantation and the control group. Scala vestibuli implantation appears to be an excellent alternative in cases in which scala tympani is found to be not patent.