A comparative analysis of extreme thermophilic bacteria belonging to the genus Thermus

Several extreme thermophilic Gram negative bacteria found in a thermally polluted river in Belgium have been compared with Thermus strains isolated from widely distant geographical areas. This analysis has become possible after the design of a new culture medium (162). All strains examined (including the isolate successively denominated Flavobacterium thermophilum and Thermus thermophilus) were found to be morphologically identical with strain YT-1 of Thermus aquaticus. The cells are immotile, rod-like, strictly aerobic, catalase and oxidase positive. They produce amylase, hydrolyze gelatin and are confirmed to be highly sensitive towards penicillin. The nutritional pattern of all strains has been analysed extensively, by testing a broad spectrum of possible substrates. The strains display a uniform response to the microbiological tests applied and most probably belong to the same species: Thermus aquaticus.