Further experience in treating patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in Uganda

One hundred and thirty nine patients with histologically proven hepatocellular carcinoma (HC) were admitted to the Uganda Cancer Institute for treatment. The patients were considerably younger and seemed to have more advanced disease than HC patients in Europe and in North America. Of the 99 evaluable patients, 50 received Adriamycin intravenously; of these, 44% responded, with 10% achieving complete responses. Intraarterial Adriamycin tended to increase the response rate to 75%, but this may be merely a reflection of patient selection. Combination of Adriamycin with other drugs (dichloromethotrexate, 5‐azacytidine, Rezoxane and cyclophosphamide) did not enhance its therapeutic effectiveness. The alphafetoprotein response curves observed when Adriamycin was combined with dichtoromethotrexate suggested possible antagonisms between the two drugs. Hepatic artery ligation (HAL) is a good and simple palliative procedure with response rates similar to i.v. Adriamycin. However, the administration of Adriamycin after HAL tended to improve on response rates and survival. The toridties observed were mainly myelosuppression, gastrointestinal disturbance, alopecia, and hyperpigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes.