Studies of Monoclonal Immunoglobulins (M-Components) in Various Kindreds

Immunoglobulin abnormalities were studied in 57 kindreds. Thirty-three kindreds were selected from propositi showing monoclonal immunoglobulin bands in their serum of gammaG, gammaA, r gammaM type. Twenty-four control kindreds were drawn from propositi with medical problems not obviously related to immunoglobulin abnormality. In 5 kindreds among those derived from propositi showing monoclonal immunoglobulin peaks, instances of other family members with M-components were found. In 1 kindred, 3 other affected members showed monoclonal immunoglobulins of gammaA and gammaG type. Among the 24 control kindreds, one monoclonal immunoglobulin serum protein was found. An analysis of expected versus observed M-components seen among kindreds from patients with monoclonal immunoglobulins indicated a significant increment among the 3rd and 4th decade relatives as compared with control kindreds. Within kindreds showing several monoclonal abnormalities, no uniform or easily discernable similarity among the instances of M-components was noted. Variation of both L-chain groups as well as H-chain groups in the M-components of such families was the general rule. These familial immunoglobulin abnormalities together with the frequent tight sibling clusters of quantitative levels of gammaG, gammaA, or gammaM suggest that control mechanisms for these proteins may be genetically determined.