The extracellular antigens of Micropolyspora faeni: their significance in farmer's lung disease

SUMMARY: A serological analysis of the extracellular antigens of Micropolyspora faeni by immunodiffusion with a combination of sera revealed 29 individual antigens. A survey was made of the incidence of precipitins to the antigens in sera from patients with clinical farmer's lung disease (FLD) and other respiratory diseases. Precipitating antibody was found in 75 % of farmer's lung cases and in 20 % of other cases who had been exposed to the same environment. More precipitin reactions were seen in sera from severe forms of FLD than from milder forms. The distribution of precipitins to individual antigens was not significantly affected by severity of disease.Most of the patients with precipitins to M. faeni, but without the symptoms of FLD, were suffering from mild or moderate symptoms of other respiratory diseases with a history of chronic onset of symptoms. The distribution of precipitins to individual antigens in this group was similar to that in clinical FLD patients but the incidence was considerably lower.The significance of these results is discussed.