1. It has already been shown that the observed variations with temperature of the intensity of reflexion of X-rays from crystals of rock-salt and sylvine agree closely with those predicted by the theory of Debye as modified by Waller, from the lowest temperature at which experiments have been made, that of liquid air, up to about 500° abs. Moreover, the absolute intensities of reflexion agree closely with those calculated theoretically, if the atomic scattering factors, F, are calculated from the Schrödinger charge-distributions for the atoms, obtained by the method due to Hartree. To obtain agreement, it is necessary to assume the existence of zero-point energy of an amount half a quantum for each degree of freedom, and the experiments may perhaps do considered as furnishing direct confirmation of such energy, since the differences between the intensities calculated with and without it are considerable. The work to do described in this paper was undertaken with a view to extending the investigations to a crystal of a metallic element. Aluminium at ones suggested itself as suitable for this purpose, since it can do obtained in largo single crystals, and since its coefficient of adsorption for the X-rays employed in the experiments, Mo K a , is small.