Biochemical but not clinical vitamin A deficiency results from mutations in the gene for retinol binding protein

Background: Two German sisters aged 14 and 17 y were admitted to the Tübingen eye hospital with a history of night blindness. In both siblings, plasma retinol binding protein (RBP) concentrations were below the limit of detection (Objective: Our aim was to investigate the cause of the retinol deficiency in these 2 siblings. Design: The 2 siblings and their mother were examined clinically, including administration of the relative-dose-response test, DNA sequencing of the RBP gene, and routine laboratory testing. Results: Genomic DNA sequence analysis revealed 2 point mutations in the RBP gene: a T-to-A substitution at nucleotide 1282 of exon 3 and a G-to-A substitution at nucleotide 1549 of exon 4. These mutations resulted in amino acid substitutions of asparagine for isoleucine at position 41 (Ile41→Asn) and of aspartate for glycine at position 74 (Gly74→Asp). Sequence analysis of cloned polymerase chain reaction products spanning exons 3 and 4 showed that these mutations were localized on different alleles. The genetic defect induced severe biochemical vitamin A deficiency but only mild clinical symptoms (night blindness and a modest retinal dystrophy without effects on growth). Conclusions: We conclude that the cellular supply of vitamin A to target tissues might be bypassed in these siblings via circulating retinyl esters, β-carotene, or retinoic acid, thereby maintaining the health of peripheral tissues.