Electrical resistance of Manganin under high static pressures

The electrical resistance of manganin was measured under pressures up to 220 kbar at room temperature. The pressure was produced by means of a multianvil apparatus using semisintered magnesia for the pressure medium and was calibrated against well‐known fixed points. Obtained results show a linear relationship between the resistance and pressure up to 180 kbar with good reproducibility. The pressure coefficient of resistance turns out to be (2.322±0.008) ×10−3 kbar−1, which is in close agreement with the value obtained under hydrostatic conditions. Manganin can be satisfactorily used as a pressure gauge for a high‐pressure experiment using a solid pressure medium. The deviation from the linearity observed above 180 kbar is ascribed to either an intrinsic property of Manganin or the uncertainty of the fixed point adopted. If the linearity is assumed above 180 kbar, the transition pressure of GaP is estimated to be 206±2 kbar.