The decay in birefringence of glassy polycarbonate held at constant extension has been studied at 23°C, in the time‐scale range 10–103 sec, up to about 6% strain. The results show that, under these conditions, the birefringence can be validly expressed as a linear hereditary integral of the strain history up to a relatively high strain level which is about 3.4% for an experimental time‐scale of 100 sec. Comparison with previously obtained data on the stress relaxation behavior of the same polymer shows that, other factors remaining constant, mechanical relaxation is linear only up to about 1.1% strain. The earlier onset of mechanical nonlinearity is discussed and it is suggested that the mechanical relaxation spectrum is richer than the optical spectrum in relatively long relaxation times, corresponding to relatively slow molecular motions. It is further suggested that these slow molecular motions are accelerated first as the polymer is extended beyond the limit of linear viscoelastic behavior. The observed nonidentity between strain limits for linear mechanical and linear optical behavior is discussed in the light of current practices in photomechanical stress analysis.