Tibioperoneal (Outflow Lesion) Angioplasty Can Be Used as Primary Treatment in 235 Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia

Background In a prospective, nonrandomized, consecutive series of tibioperoneal vessel angioplasty (TPVA), critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients’ data were analyzed with regard to immediate and follow-up success. Methods and Results TPVA was successful in 270 of 284 critically ischemic limbs (95%), with 167 limbs (59%) requiring dilatation of 333 ipsilateral inflow obstructions to access and successfully dilate 486 of 529 (92%) tibioperoneal lesions. A clinical success (relief of rest pain or improvement of lower-extremity blood flow) was attained in 270 limbs at risk (95%). Clinical 5-year follow-up of 215 of 221 successful CLI patients (97%) with 266 successfully revascularized limbs revealed that bypass surgery occurred in 8% and significant amputations in 9% of limbs; 91% of the limbs were salvaged. The cohort’s probability of survival was 56%: 58% for Fontaine class III and 33% for class IV patients. Class III compared with class IV patients had significantly (P<0.05) fewer surgical bypasses (3% vers...