The Structures of the Frenatin Peptides from the Skin Secretion of the Giant Tree Frog Litoria Infrafrenata

The granular dorsal glands of the giant tree frog Litoria infrafrenata contain five peptides including caerulein (a known neuropeptide), and four new peptides named frenatins 1 (MH+ = 1140 Da), 2 (1423), 3 (2180) and 4 (2493). The amino acid sequences of the frenatins are detailed: their structures do not correspond to those of peptides isolated from other amphibians or animals. Frenatin 3, Gly-Leu-Met-Ser-Val-Leu-Gly-His-Ala-Val-Gly-Asn-Val-Leu-Gly- Gly-Leu-Phe-Lys-Pro-Lys-Ser-(OH), has wide spectrum antimicrobial properties.