Reaping New Harvests: Collaboration and Communication through Field Experiences

Created under the auspices of the field experience offices at two public, four-year institutions of higher education, and in conjunction with a local urban school district, the Teaching and Learning Collaborative (TLC) and Communities of Practice (COMPRAC) were constructed to support a year-long experience (practicum and student teaching) at the undergraduate and postbaccalaureate levels. These programs, structured to help preservice teachers junction effectively in an urban classroom, included clustering groups in the same school and providing additional support through course work, seminars, and interactive small and whole-group meetings. What began as two separate programs evolved into a reconceptualization of a model for field experiences that has transferability to any type of school district. Multiple face-to-face and electronic communication fora within and across triad roles are proposed for creating a community for professional development that celebrates talking about issues germane to teaching and learning.