Critical evaluation of the amino acid triplet-epitope matching concept in cadaver kidney transplantation

A computer-based approach for determining human leukocyte antigen (HLA) compatibility between kidney donors and recipients on the basis of differences of amino acid sequences as motifs for immunogenic epitopes was proposed by Duquesnoy et al. The HLAMatchmaker algorithm focuses on HLA class I polymorphisms of serologically defined antigens encoded by the HLA-A and -B loci. HLA phenotypic mismatches that represent only a few mismatches at the amino acid triplet level are held to be not or only mildly immunogenic. This approach was proposed as being especially suitable for the allocation of donor kidneys to highly sensitized patients. We reexamined this attractive concept using the data of the Collaborative Transplant Study. Intra- and interlocus comparisons for HLA-A and -B were performed according to the original HLAMatchmaker algorithm. To exclude the influence of HLA-DR, only transplants with no HLA-DR mismatch were considered. Patients who had one HLA-A and one HLA-B antigen mismatch were separated into subgroups, depending on the number of triplet mismatches as calculated by the HLAMatchmaker software. Separate analyses were performed for first transplants, retransplants, and patients with a panel-reactive antibody activity of 50% or more. A total of 16,997 white patients matched for HLA-DR who received a cadaver kidney transplant between 1991 and 2001 formed the basis of this analysis. Application of the HLAMatchmaker method could not be shown to result in any statistically significant effect on graft survival. The HLAMatchmaker concept is theoretically attractive; however, it could not be shown to yield useful results in this analysis. Serologic HLA typing appears to provide an insufficient basis for applying epitope matching in clinical kidney transplantation.