Four species of fungi consistently isolated from twig elements (bud, leaf scars and internodes) of peach (Prunus persica ''Redhaven'') were studied in combination with C. cincta, causal agent of perennial peach canker. Alternaria alternata, Eipcoccum purpurascens and Coniothyrium olivaceum when grown on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) produced substances or caused nutrient depletion which adversely affected the germination and germ tube growth from conidia of C. cincta. In contrast, Aureobasidium pullulans produced diffusible products on PDA that stimulated germ-tube growth from C. cincta conidia. E. purpurascens produced the largest zones of inhibition when grown in dual culture with C. cincta and produced at least 2 antifungal compounds inhibitory to conidial germination of C. cincta. E. purpurascens, C. olivaceum and A. alternata wound-inoculated singly or in various combinations with C. cincta, inhibited canker development on peach twigs. E. purpurascens and C. olivaceum were most effective in reducing disease severity when inoculated with C. cincta in the field, whereas A. pullulans did not significantly (P = 0.05) reduce canker enlargement.