The Barrowell Green material was examined by Mr. Reid in the spring of 1916. By the request of Mr. Hazzledine Warren we have re-examined it, with the result that we have added a few new species and made a few alterations in Mr. Reid's list. In this list a species of Cochlearia is recorded. In other Lea-Valley deposits and in the Cam-Valley deposit fruits were found, and the determination was correct; but at Barrowell Green we have only seen seeds referred to this species, and in this case the determination was incorrect, the seeds being those of a Cerastium allied to C. vulgatum Fries, an Arctic species. It is possible, of course, that there were pods which we have not seen. With regard to the description of this deposit, we cannot do better than quote Mr. Reid's original description from his letter of February 4th, 1916, to Mr. Warren:— ‘The Barrowell Green flora certainly points to the same period as the floras of the other Lea Valley localities. It shows the same Arctic or Sub-Arctic conditions, and contains several of the same peculiar plants, such as Silene cælata, Linum Præcursor, Salix Lapponum and the undetermined Cochlearia . No doubt the list includes about a dozen species which have not yet been found at Angel Road, Hedge Lane, Ponders End, or Temple Mills; but none of these are significant species; that is to say, they are species that one would expect to find at the other localities, if the plants from each