One-Dimensional Impurity Bands

The density of states of one-dimensional crystals consisting of δ functions randomly distributed has been calculated on the IBM 650 computer. The chains contained 500-1000 impurity atoms, and the most probable error in the integrated density of states at various energies was estimated to be at most ½%. Calculations were performed for various values of the parameter ε=nκ0, where n is the density of atoms and κ0 the attenuation constant appropriate to the isolated bound state. The results at different densities are compared with those obtained from various physical models. At low densities the machine results display a singularity in the density of states at the isolated atom energy. For ε1, a simple pair theory fits the machine results quantitatively in the wings and displays a similar singularity. At high density (ε1) the machine results are smooth and fitted well by a crude optical model, except for a tail below the band edge omitted by the latter. An optical model containing local density fluctuations provides a qualitative understanding of the tail and a fair over-all fit for ε1.

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