Production of heavy actinides from interactions ofO16,O18,Ne20, andNe22withCm248

We have measured cross sections for the production of isotopes of Bk through No in bombardments of Cm248 with O16, O18, Ne20, and Ne22 ions at energies near the Coulomb barrier. In general, the peak of the mass-yield curve for each element is about two mass units larger for O18 and Ne22 than for O16 and Ne20, reflecting the neutron excess of the projectiles. The production cross sections and maxima of the actinide isotopic distributions are at least as favorable for production of neutron-rich actinides as those measured for irradiation of U238 and Cm248 with very heavy ions. The observation of so many neutron-rich products between the masses of the target and compound nucleus suggests a direct transfer reaction in which the product nuclide is formed with relatively low excitation which minimizes depletion from prompt fission.