Observation of the exotic nucleus145Tmvia its direct proton decay

Proton emission from 145Tm was observed for the first time via the 92Mo(58Ni,p4n) reaction, using the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility Recoil Mass Spectrometer in conjunction with a double-sided Si strip detector at the focal plane. The measured energy of the emitted proton is 1.728(10) MeV and its half-life is 3.5(10) μs, the shortest ever observed for ground-state proton radioactivity. When compared to the calculated WKB half-life for an l=5 transfer, the spectroscopic factor is 0.51(16), which is consistent with the value of 0.64 calculated via the BCS approximation for a spherical nucleus. Also, the half-life of 113Cs was determined with a greater precision than previously available to be 16.7(7) μsec.

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