Non-renormalization of two and three Point Correlators of N=4 SYM in N=1 Superspace

  • 23 March 1999
Certain two and three point functions of gauge invariant primary operators of ${\cal N}=4$ SYM are computed in ${\cal N}=1$ superspace keeping all the $\th$-components. This allows one to read off many component descendent correlators. Our results show the only possible $g^2_{YM}$ corrections to the free field correlators are contact terms. Therefore they vanish for operators at separate points, verifying the known non-renormalization theorems. This also implies the results are consistent with ${\cal N}=4$ supersymmetry even though the Lagrangian we use has only ${\cal N}=1$ manifest supersymmetry. We repeat some of the calculations using supersymmetric Landau gauge and obtain, as expected, the same results as those of supersymmetric Feynman gauge.

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