Growth of Johnsongrass Selections Under Different Temperatures and Dark Periods

The differential response of three selections of johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense(L.) Pers.) to different temperatures and dark periods was studied in two experiments conducted in growth chambers. The three selections of johnsongrass were obtained from locations representing different climates. At 20 C all three selections grew equally with respect to most parameters of growth studied; however, at 35 C the selection from the southern climate produced more total fresh weight than the other two selections. Rhizome production and the number of stems also were greater in the southern selection at 35 C. An 8-hr dark period prevented flowering in all three selections and significantly reduced rhizome production in two selections compared to the 12-hr dark period. Flowering occurred most rapidly in the selection from a northern climate and most slowly in the selection from a southern climate. The results are discussed in relation to the possible plant adaptive changes and the possibility of weed control through dark period interruption.