The influence of percussion, occlusion and mastication on the occurrence of silent periods in masseter muscle activity

The occurrence of silent periods in masseter muscle activity was investigated during percussion of the bony structures of the head and neck, during occlusion of the teeth on surfaces of varying hardness, and during chewing of different food-stuffs. Silent periods were demonstrated on percussion during isometric and isotonic contraction of the masseter muscles and the occurrence of silent periods was influenced by the force of occlusion and by the nature of the surface contacted. Mandibular velocity was investigated during tapping and chewing sequences by ultra-high-speed cinematography, but it was not found possible to identify a critical change in mandibular velocity associated with the occurrence of silent periods. More silent periods were observed during the chewing of hard foods than of soft foods and there were more silent periods near the beginning of chewing sequences than towards the end. Differences in latency and duration of silent periods were observed in relation to artificial changes in the occlusion.