Major and Rare Gases at White Island Volcano, New Zealand: Origin and Flux of Volatiles

Analyses of fumarolic gases at White Island, New Zealand, are reported with special emphasis on rare gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe). Normalization of major species to rare gases have lead to the identification of several sources: air‐saturated meteoric (or marine) water, a magma body, the crust and/or sediments. When compared to Mid Ocean Ridge discharges, the White Island gas discharge represents about 3%, 0.7%, 0.1% and 0.05% of the global water, carbon, sulfur and Helium‐3 discharges, respectively. This balance shows that, except for 3He which derives from the mantle, practically all rare gases, water and carbon, and part of sulfur, derive from originally superficial sources.