A Case for Diagnosis (Dermatitis Herpetiformis?). Presented by Dr. Richard J. Kelly. S. W., a man, has had an eruption over the shoulders posteriorly,on the flexor and extensor surfaces of all extremities and about the girdle area since approximately eight to twelve weeks previous to April 19, 1945. The patient presents numerous vivid red papules in these areas, with some scaling and much vesiculation. He states that there is intolerable itching. The patient was given fractional roentgen ray therapy, 100 r, to all areas and ointments locally. DISCUSSION Dr. Joseph C. Amersbach: I think that the diagnosis has to be differentiated between dermatitis venenata and dermatitis herpetiformis. The eruption in this case is interesting when its distribution is considered, which I am sure was the reason for Dr. Kelly's presentation of this case. However, I wish to make a diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis. Dr. Leslie P. Barker: I believe that

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