Thyroperoxidase, an auto-antigen with a mosaic structure made of nuclear and mitochondrial gene modules.

A lambda gt11 cDNA library was constructed from a normal human thyroid and screened with a rabbit anti‐porcine thyroperoxidase antibody. A series of thyroperoxidase (TPO) clones were obtained which allowed determination of the complete primary structure of the protein. The library was also screened with serum from a patient with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease characterized by the presence in the serum of high titers of autoantibodies directed against the ‘microsomal antigen’ (McAg). Comparison of the cDNA sequences from TPO clones and McAg clones provides definite proof that the McAg is TPO. A short segment of TPO was characterized as bearing a major epitope involved in autoimmunity. The primary structure of TPO was 42% homologous to myeloperoxidase (MPO). It contains, in addition, a C‐terminal extension with a membrane anchor region contiguous to two domains encoded by modules belonging to the EGF and C4b gene families. The existence in TPO of still another domain presenting a significant homology with a putative heme‐binding region of cytochrome C oxidase polypeptide I raises the possibility that a mitochondrial gene module has contributed a piece to the evolution of a typical nuclear mosaic gene.