Deletions near the albino locus on chromosome 7 of the mouse affect the level of tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA.

Overlapping chromosomal deletions at the albino locus on chromosome 7 of the mouse affect the expression of several liver enzymes, including tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT; L-tyrosine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC With cloned TAT DNA the integrity of the TAT structural gene and its expression and inducibility by glucocorticoids and cAMP were examined in deletion homozygous mice. No difference in the structure of the gene between normal and mutant mice was detected by Southern blotting. Severely reduced amounts of TAT mRNA were detected in homozygous mutants. The residual mRNA levels could not be modulated by glucocorticoids or cAMP. We conclude that a trans-acting control function required for expression and inducibility of mouse TAT can be assigned to the chromosomal region near the albino locus.