Relative Quadrupole Moments of the First Excited States of W182, W184, and W186

Mössbauer-effect experiments following Coulomb excitation with a 6.0-MeV beam of He4 ions were performed with tungsten nuclei in tungsten compounds. The first excited states of W182, W184, and W186 were investigated simultaneously at both 78°K and between 20 and 30°K. Three different compounds of tungsten were used as absorbers: WO3, WC, and WS2. All three yielded consistent results for the relative quadrupole moments for the three tungsten isotopes. These are: Q22182:Q22184:Q22186=1:0.965±0.008:0.906±0.018, and are in reasonable agreement with values of the relative quadrupole moments determined from B(E2) measurements and previous Mössbauer-effect measurements. If the natural linewidth of W182 is 0.997 ± 0.010 mm/sec, then the corresponding natural linewidth of W184 and W186 previously reported by Mekshes and Hershkowitz are corrected to 0.95 ± 0.09 and 0.80 ± 0.06 mm/sec. A comparison of the measurements of resonant absorption following Coulomb excitation with those from B(E2) experiments indicate that the rotational model is valid for the lowest-lying energy levels of the even-even tungsten nuclei.