The effects of single, combined and sequential application of gibberellic acid (GA), chlormequat and cytokinins on the formation of anlagen, tendrils and inflorescences were studied in grapevines (cv. Muscat of Alexandria) grown with natural illumination at high temperature (30 °C day to 25 °C night) and at low temperature (21 °C day to 16°C night or 18 °C day to 13 °C night). GA promoted the formation of anlagen and growth of tendrils regardless of temperature, but inhibited inflorescence production. Chlormequat had the opposite effect on anlagen formation and tendril growth and promoted inflorescence formation from pre-formed anlagen or from tendril initials. While low temperature is normally unfavourable for inflorescence formation, this was induced by chlormequat even at low temperature, but only with summer light conditions. Cytokinin application to plants pre-treated with chiormequat caused tendrils to grow into inflorescences regardless of temperature regimes. Moreover, shoot primordia were also formed in place8of tendrils in cytokinin treated plants even without chlormequat pre-treatment.