The relationship of bacterial utilization of CO2 to succinic acid formation

The activity of cell suspensions of Propionibacterium pentosaceum (49W) in fixing CO2 depends on the medium used for growth. A glycerol-phosphate-yeast extract medium yields active cells. Inhibition of utilization of CO2 by NaF causes a simultaneous decrease in the formation of succinic acid[long dash]further evidence that succinic acid may be formed by union of 1- and 3-carbon compounds. Apparently there is a 2d mechanism for the formation of succinic acid (particularly in glucose dissimilation) which is insensitive to F., and probably mediated by the condensation of acetic or pyruvic acid. CO2 utilization is believed to be associated with a F-sensitive phosphorylat-ing mechanism. Fixation of CO2 with formation of succinic acid may be a general biol. phenomenon.