Role of lymphography in carcinoma of the prostate.

The results of bilateral pedal lymphography in 83 patients with adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland are presented. The patients were divided into two groups: 45 new cases and 38 late or old cases presenting several years after the onset of the disease. Altogether 25 of the new patients and 29 of the late patients had lymphographic evidence of lymph node metastases. The lymphogram results in relation to local tumour size, histological grade, the presence of skeletal metastases, and acid phosphatase levels are discussed. Of the new patients with T1 and T2 tumors--that is, those still localized within the prostatic capsule--41% had positive lymphograms. The inaccuracy of acid phosphatase estimations in detecting early extraprostatic spread is shown and compared with the greater accuracy of lymphography. Lymphography should be used as an initial investigation in all cases where aggressive therapy is being considered, and the importance of regular follow-up radiographs is emphasized.