The Inferior Gluteal Free Flap in Breast Reconstruction

The inferior gluteal musculocutaneous free flap usually provides a sufficient amount of autogenous tissue for breast reconstruction when adequate tissue is not present in the lower abdomen or back. Its arteriovenous pedicle is longer than the superior gluteal musculocutaneous free-flap pedicle and permits microvascular anastomosis in the axilla, avoiding medial rib and cartilage resection. In the thin patient, there is more available donor tissue than with the superior gluteal musculocutaneous free flap. Cadaver dissections confirm the greater pedicle length and the local area of the lower gluteus maximus muscle needed to carry the skin island and have helped define a safe approach to flap elevation. We have used four flaps for breast reconstruction without vascular compromise or the need for reexploration. The low donorsite scar in the inferior buttock fold has been acceptable, especially for a bilateral reconstruction. The anatomy of the gluteal region, the surgical technique for the inferior gluteal free-flap transfer, and a 3-year patient follow-up are presented.

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