Many bacteria swim by rotating thin helical filaments that extend into the external medium, as with common bacteria, or run beneath the outer membrane, as with spirochetes. Each filament is driven at its base by a motor that turns alternately clockwise and counterclockwise. The motor-filament complex is called a flagellum. Other kinds of bacteria glide, but their organelles of locomotion are not known. Since bacteria are microscopic and live in an aqueous environment, they swim at low Reynolds' number; cyclic motion works (e.g. rotation of a helix) but reciprocal motion does not (e.g. stroking of a singly hinged oar). By measuring concentrations of certain chemicals as they move through their environment, making temporal comparisons and modulating the direction of flagellar rotation, bacteria accumulate in regions that they find more favourable. Studies of bacterial chemotaxis are highly advanced, particularly for the peritrichously flagellated species Escherichia coli. A great deal is known about chemoreception, receptor-flagellar coupling and adaptation. Recently it has been found that E. coli can aggregate in response to signals generated by the cells themselves. Complex patterns form with remarkable symmetries.