N=2 Type II- Heterotic duality and Higher derivative F-terms

We test the recently conjectured duality between $N=2$ supersymmetric type II and heterotic string models by analysing a class of higher dimensional interactions in the respective low-energy Lagrangians. These are $F$-terms of the form $F_g W^{2g}$ where $W$ is the gravitational superfield. On the type II side these terms are generated at the $g$-loop level and in fact are given by topological partition functions of the twisted Calabi-Yau sigma model. We show that on the heterotic side these terms arise at the one-loop level. We study in detail a rank 3 example and show that the corresponding couplings $F_g$ satisfy the same holomorphic anomaly equations as in the type II case. Moreover we study the leading singularities of $F_g$'s on the heterotic side, near the enhanced symmetry point and show that they are universal poles of order $2g{-}2$ with coefficients that are given by the Euler number of the moduli space of genus-$g$ Riemann surfaces. This confirms a recent conjecture that the physics near conifold singularity is governed by $c{=}1$ string theory at the self-dual point.