The rotational analysis of additional 14 sub-bands of the band system Πu2Πg2 of the molecule of CO2+ leads to the identification of vibrational levels v1=3,4,5,6, and 7 for the ground state of the molecule (Tables I-III). All 48 sub-bands analyzed and reported in Parts I, II, and III are arranged in a vibrational scheme into which many weaker, not analyzed bands (not less than 46) can be fitted. (Tables VI and VII). The distribution of the intensities of the bands corresponds to a Franck-Condon parabola with an extra intensity maximum on the diagonal. All vibrational and rotational constants for this band system (corresponding to different quanta of the symmetric vibration) are given in this and the previous paper, Part II. B, D, and p values for the levels v1=0,1, and 2 and p values for levels v1=0 to 6 were given in Part II. B and D for v1=3 and 4 are given on pages 682-683 of this paper; B, D, and p for v1=5,6, and 7 are given in Table III. Tables IV and V contain the rotational constants for the excited state Πu2. The dependence of the Λ-doubling on the rotational quantum number J is represented in Fig. 4, Part II and Fig. 1, Part III. The values of B (Fig. 2), of B (Fig. 5, Part II), of the Λ-doubling for J=3012 (Figs. 3 and 4), and finally of the deviation of the vibrational energy from the calculated values (Figs. 5 and 6) are represented as functions of the vibrational quantum number. From these curves the character of the perturbations occurring for the substate Π32g2 at v1=1, for Π32u2 at v1=4, for Π12u2 at v1=7, and finally for both substates in the ground level at v1=5 can be conveniently studied. A discussion of these perturbations is included; however, no explanation is given, since this would require a special theoretical investigation.

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