Synthesis of proteins, RNA and DNA in dormant and after-ripenedCaryophyllaceae seeds

Macromolecule syntheses, especially incorporation of radioactive labelled precursors into proteins, RNA and DNA were investigated. Some results on the action of phytohormones applied to dormant seeds and on the influence on water stress conditions by interruption of imbibition even before the radicle protrudes, on germination as well as on RNA and DNA synthesis were analysed. Benzylaminopurine and ethylene, applied in combination, could break dormancy of dormant seeds; a process which is correlated with the onset of DNA synthesis. Interruption of the imbibition during the time of onset of DNA synthesis (after 16 h of imbibition) did not impair the germination, and the protein, RNA and DNA syntheses started after reimbibition at that level which was reached at the interruption point. Only after a break in later phases (after 22 h of imbibition) a weak impairment of germination could be observed.