Time-differential perturbed-angular-correlation study of hyperfine interactions atCd111in aLi0.5Fe2.5O4single crystal

The time-differential perturbed angular correlation (TDPAC) of γ rays emitted from In111) on tetrahedral (A) sites in single-crystal Li0.5 Fe2.5 O4 was measured at room temperature. Expressions for the anisotropy of TDPAC spectra under a hyperfine magnetic field combined with an electric field gradient (EFG) are given explicitly. A least-squares fitting of the data with these expressions reveals that Cd2+111(A) experiences a supertransferred hyperfine magnetic field, HSTHF, of 112 kOe parallel to the net magnetization of the specimen and an axially symmetric EFG of 90×1013 esu. The observed HSTHF is seen to be the sum of the supertransferred ones from the Fe3+(B) ions on the nearest-neighbor B sites. The magnitude of the transferred field from each individual Fe3+(B) ion is estimated to be 13.3 or 11.0 kOe, depending on whether the intervening O2 ion has Li1+(B) as its neighbor or not. The remarkably large EFG at Cd2+(A) observed in this ferrite is interpreted qualitatively as being caused by the presence of the weakly electronegative next-nearest Li1+(B) ions.