Poly A:U‐Induced Secretion of T‐Lymphocyte Helper Factors

In vitro exposure of mouse thymocytes to complexes of polyadenylic:polyuridylic acid (poly A:U) effected, within 6 h, the release of soluble factor(s) capable of nonspecifically enhancing IgM and IgG plaque‐forming cells (PFCs) in in vitro primary and secondary spleen cell responses to burro erythrocytes. Poly A:U stimulation was, most likely, polyclonal, since production of soluble factor(s) occurred in the absence of antigen and in serum‐free culture media. Poly A:U‐induced soluble factor(s) were not capable of substituting for T cells but were dependent on T cells for the expression of PFC enhancement. These data support the hypothesis that the mechanism of poly A:U's adjuvant action is polyclonal stimulation of T cells, causing early induction and release of nonspecific, soluble PFC‐enhancing factor(s).