Canε/εbe Supersymmetric?

Supersymmetric contributions to ε/ε have been generally regarded as small. We point out, however, that this is based on specific assumptions, such as universal scalar mass, and in general need not be true. Based on (1) hierarchical quark Yukawa matrices protected by flavor symmetry, (2) generic dependence of Yukawa matrices on Polonyi/moduli fields as expected in many supergravity/superstring theories, (3) Cabibbo rotation originating from the down-sector, and (4) phases of order unity, we find the typical supersymmetric contribution to ε/ε to be of order 3×103 for mq̃=500GeV, possibly dominating the reported KTeV Collaboration value ε/ε=(28±4.1)×104. If so, the neutron electric dipole moment is likely to be within the reach of the currently planned experiments.