Colony Formation by Human Haemopoietic Precursor Cells Cultured in Semi-solid Agar in Diffusion Chambers

A technique which allows colony growth of haematologically normal human bone marrow cells is described. The cells are supported by semi-solid-agar-medium inside modified Millipore diffusion chambers implanted in the peritoneal cavity of irradiated mice. After 9 days incubation colonies containing up to 1000 cells are found in these Agar Diffusion Chambers. All haematologically normal patients studied so far produced colonies, the majority with between 10 and 40 colonies per 2 X 10(5) bone marrow cells inoculated. This culture system therefore provides a convenient and reliable clonal assay for human bone marrow cells which, in contrast to the agar colony assay in vitro, does not require a source of Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF).