A Survey of Swedish Mothers' Views on Breastfeeding and Experiences of Social and Professional Support

The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate conditions for breastfeeding among 452 mothers. Three different groups of women, participating in the Swedish health care system, were asked to complete a questionnaire about breastfeeding and related issues: 1) pregnant women attending the pregnancy care centres (n= 186), 2) women staying at the maternity wards after delivery (n= 171) and 3) women with two-month-old child attending the child health stations (n= 95). We found that the majority of the mothers were in favour of breastfeeding and intended to or had begun to breastfeed their infants. The main problems were “sore nipples”, “children who cannot take the breast” and “insufficient milk production”. Negative experiences of previous breastfeeding and overwhelming demands were motives for weaning. The personnel within the health care system were shown to be important for the mothers as regards advice and support. However, we found that certain routines could be revised to strengthen the mothers' attitude towards breastfeeding: 1) Information on and discussions about breastfeeding occurred infrequently at the pregnancy care centres. 2) Water or formulated milk was often given to the newborn baby at the maternity wards and 3) the participation of the fathers was limited. Continuous surveillance of the routines and education of the health care staff would be desirable to enable them to give the mothers the right breastfeeding support and advice at the right time.