Effect of Feeding Various Levels of 2,6-Di-Tertiarybutyl-4-Methyl Phenol to Lactating Dairy Cows

In 2 separate trails, with 16 lactating cows each, selected for producing milk which would exhibit oxidized flavor 72 hours after the addition of 5.0 ppm Cu++, 2,6-di-teriarybutyl-4-methyl phenol (BHT) was fed for a 4 week period at 0.00, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.09% of ration (90% dry matter). No statistically significant differences were observed in milk production criteria either among levels of BHT or between BHT-supplemented groups and negative controls. The incidence of copper-induced oxidized flavor was significantly reduced with 0.09% BHT and slightly with 0.03% when 5.0 ppm Cu++ had been added to the milk. BHT apparently was transferred to the milk in increasing amounts with level fed.