Donepezil Improves Cognition and Global Function in Alzheimer DiseaseA 15-Week, Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

ALZHEIMER disease (AD) is a progressive dementing disorder that primarily affects the elderly population. Approximately 5% to 10% of the population older than 65 years and as many as 50% of those older than 85 years are estimated to have the disease.1 Although little is known regarding the cause of AD, it is generally accepted that many of its symptoms are related to a cholinergic deficit in the cerebral cortex and other areas of the brain.2-4 Indeed, the extent of neuropathological features, eg, cortical atrophy and the presence of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, and the severity of memory and cognitive impairments have been found to correlate with cholinergic loss in the central nervous system.3 These findings suggest that augmentation of cholinergic function might improve clinical symptoms. To this end, various pharmacological agents have been developed.