Genetic regulation of regional microstructure of the corpus callosum in late life

In order to identify brain structural phenotypes that remain under significant genetic control in late adulthood, we examined the heritability of corpus callosum macrostructure (i.e. size) using MRI and microstructure (e.g. myelin) using diffusion tensor imaging in 15 monozygotic and 18 dizygotic twin pairs of elderly men. The relative proportion of genetic to environmental influences varied considerably by region and structural type and was 5:1 for callosal macrostructure, 3:1 for splenium microstructure, and 1:1 for genu microstructure. This is the first in vivo identification of quantifiable phenotypes of brain white matter microstructure and demonstrates significant and differential genetic regulation in old age, with anterior interhemispheric connecting pathways more susceptible than posterior pathways to environmental influences.