An investigation of the rate of fixation of complement at different temperatures carried out with protein antigens and specific immune rabbit serums, reported elsewhere,1led to the following conclusions: The rate of fixation of complement is approximately the same at icebox (6 to 12 C.), room (18 to 25 C.), and water-bath (37.5 C.) temperatures, the tendency being for somewhat greater fixation at icebox temperature. From 60 to 80 per cent, of complement is "fixed" during the first hour of fixation at either icebox, room, or water-bath temperature, the amount being directly proportional to the number of antibodies in the immune serum, fixation being completed in about four hours at icebox temperature. The fixation periods at water-bath and room temperatures were not extended in these experiments beyond two hours, in view of the deterioration of complement after prolonged exposure at these temperatures. The proteins used in these studies

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