Effects of Helicobacter pylori Infection and Gastritis on Gastric Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity

Sex and age differences in gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity in relation to abnormalities of gastric histology and Helicobacter pylori infection were determined in 63 patients (32 men and 31 women) undergoing upper endoscopy for gastrointestinal symptoms. No sex difference was found in gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity. Males older than 50 years had lower enzyme activity than younger males. Patients with H. pylori and/or moderate to severe chronic and acute inflammation and epithelial mucin depletion had lower alcohol dehydrogenase activity in the antrum, but not in the fundus. H. pylori was found more frequently in the older male patients. Antral alcohol dehydrogenase was most decreased in older patients of both sexes with H. pylori infection. In conclusion, H. pylori infection and/or chronic active gastritis are important causes of low gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity.