Reduction of sigmoid colon volvulus by means of sigmoidoscopy is well known. The recent introduction of the 60-cm flexible sigmoidoscope has captured the imagination of those dealing with colonic surgery because of the ease of examination and the increased diagnostic and therapeutic capability when compared to the rigid sigmoidoscope. The purpose of this communication is to report two cases in which sigmoid volvulus was reduced using the 60-cm flexible fiberoptic colonoscope/sigmoidoscope. Report of Cases.—Case 1.—An 80-year-old woman complained of rapid onset of abdominal pain, obstipation, and abdominal swelling. Physical examination revealed a woman of slight stature who was in distress with a swollen tympanic abdomen. Upright abdominal x-ray films were consistent with early sigmoid volvulus; the patient was afebrile and the WBC count was 7,500/cu mm. The flexible 60-cm colonoscope was introduced and at 30 cm, a narrowing of the lumen was seen. Air and water were instilled