Fast-wave ion-cyclotron heating in the Princeton Large Torus

Recent experimental results for ICRF heating in PLT are presented. For the two-ion regime in D-H or D-/sup 3/He plasmas minority H and /sup 3/He ions are found to absorb the rf power and transfer it to the deuterons and electrons in accordance with Fokker-Planck theory. The deuteron heating rate is approx. 3 eV x 10/sup 13/ cm/sup -3//kW for H and approx. 6 eV x 10/sup 13/ cm/sup -3//kW for /sup 3/He minorities. Neutron fluxes of approx. 3 x 10/sup 11/ sec/sup -1/ corresponding to a T/sub d/ approx. 2 keV ( d/ approx. 1.2 keV) have been produced with P/sub rf/ approx. = 620 kW at anti n/sub e/ approx. = 2.9 x 10/sup 13/ cm/sup -3/. Neutron energy spectra and mass sensitive charge exchange spectra indicate Maxwellian deuteron distributions. In addition, D-/sup 3/He fusion reaction rates greater than or equal to 10/sup 12/ sec/sup -1/ have been produced by the energetic /sup 3/He ions. For the second harmonic regime, initial heating results for an H plasma at P/sub rf/ approx. = 140 kW are consistent with the Fokker-Planck theory and the bulk heating rate is comparable to that of D heating in the D-H minority regime.