Patients presenting glycosuria coupled with deficient fat and protein absorption are among the rarities of a wide medical experience. These, however, are the cases of diabetes mellitus that make the clinician and physiologist certain in their belief that the pancreatic gland is intimately connected with the metabolism of carbohydrates, and that the other forms of the disease, although not yielding such clear-cut signs, may have a similar origin. The following report of such a case is thought to be of value, especially as it was found that the treatment of this patient by means of pancreatic gland yielded results which proved to be of great interest. I am indebted to Dr. T. C. Janeway, under whose supervision the patient was treated, for the following data. CASE REPORT History (May 9, 1910).—The patient is a college student, aged 20. His maternal grandmother died of tuberculosis, his mother suffers from a