2 - State at 8.87 Mev inO16

The bombardment of F19 by protons of energy greater than 3 Mev, and the beta decay of N16 are shown to give rise to gamma rays of energies 2.75±0.02 Mev, 1.90±0.03 Mev, and 1.72±0.03 Mev. The first of these gamma rays is in coincidence with gamma rays of 6.1 Mev while the latter two are in coincidence with gamma rays of greater than 6.3 Mev. The relative intensities are in the ratio of 27: 1: 3, respectively. These observations imply a state at 8.87±0.02 Mev in O16 formed in the reactions F19(p, α)O16 and N16(β)O16; this state is very probably 2-. The relevance of this observation for the alpha-particle model of O16 is discussed.

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